

"Marge" told me today that her daughter went to do an internship in LA.
A week later she confessed that she didn't want to come back.
She marveled on how nice and friendly the people were out there.
Marge said, "Nah, it's not that people are friendly there, it's that they're unfriendly in New England."

Most of the people I talk to concur to some extent.
I'm tempted to agree as well but it's hard to judge.
Since the people I've made friends with here aren't native New Englanders.


There's a cubicle that I often
have occasion to walk by.
Inside and on the top shelf and in plain view
are a couple boxes of feminine hygiene items .
Nothing wrong with that per se
but I'm not sure what I think about it.

Maybe not as bad
as the box of condoms
I keep on my monitor
in my own cubicle

But at least they're not used.

Though I wish they were.

One can hope that by some miracle
there's a really kick-ass office party with lots of booze.

It would probably be by the company up stairs though.


now here's a way to complain
is it enough to just deny business?
to go quietly into the night?
or is this little effort worth it?
doesn't alerting the company to a problem
mean that they care about them?
that they should be aware of a problem
and do better?

doesn't matter. it's probably a good thing
to offer both complaints and praise.
feedback can be a good thing, both positive and negative.

though i resist giving complaints
to people who make my food
unless i reallly need to
cuz i'm scared they might fuck with it.


I think the company next door
May be a sham company like in the movie "Boiler Room"
Since the old company that was there closed down and moved out
A new company moved in with no furniture
And they changed their name four times.

I wish the company down the hall never moved in either
We had to get rid of the ping-pong and foosball tables.
A lady in my office,
a cross between MargeSimpson
and Susan from DesparateHousewives
asked me where the button was.
She wanted to make a photocopy.
But it was a laser printer.


It looks like poetry.
But it doesn't read like poetry.
It's just a bunch of sentence fragments.
Complete with capitalized first word and period at the end.
But that's ok.
It's kind of how I write normally.
Though in those cases mostly for reading effect.
Unlike now, which is to make it look more interesting.
I'm just too lazy to reword it all in limerick form.
Or rhyme.
Or haiku.
Or iambic pentameter.
Those will come later.



I think that it's time to buy.
All those things that I wanted.
Or at least would like to have.
But didn't get for Christmas.